Please Allow 10 Business Days for Completion

This page's webform is compatible with any browser except for Internet Explorer.

Please use this form to create these page types:

  • Webpage
  • Blog Post
  • Campaign Page
  • Clinical Trial
  • Event
  • Location
  • Office Location
  • Press Release
  • Service Content
  • Service Line

SharePoint or ServiceNow

Do not use these web forms to create SharePoint (M-Connect) or ServiceNow pages,
we do not have access to those websites.

For other web pages or issues, select from below:



Choose Your Domain(s)
Do not use this web form for MemorialCare's Intranet Site, please contact Eric & Maline.
Name of Page. If this is an Office Location then place the name of the office. If there is no office name then place the word "none".
Enter a detailed description of the issue or any special instructions if needed.
The area in which your webpage will be under, ie "Patients & Visitors."
Some marquees permit a subhead which helps when the title is long. The only page types that don't support subheads are Press Releases, Clinical Trials, and Providers.
Blog Media Type:

NOTE: Please remember to upload the transcript (with name of Podcast) to \\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\Blog


Hospital and Medical Group Taxonomy
Location Type:

NO tracking in Google analytics as vanity URL, you can place your simple URL here.

Otherwise, go to the Vanity URL Request Form.

Logo Override (if needed):

Supply Support Files:

If uploading multiple items, place all items in one folder labeling it the name of the campaign. If only uploading one item, please name the file with the title of the page. Please upload your content Word file, high-resolution images, and any support files one of three ways:

  • Our Shared Network Folder (preferred method)
    (\\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\Campaign Pages)
  • Box 
    (If you have a MemorialCare box account)
  • HighTail 
    (Be sure to zip compress the file using the name of the provider)
See below for items that you might need to supply:
  • Partner Logos
  • Marquee Images
  • Additional images/logos
  • Word document detailing the content on the page, ie body content, segment types, CTAs, inpage navigation, etc.
  • PDFs
Supply Microsoft Word document of the introduction text:

Name the file with the title of the clinical trial or trial number. Please upload your content Word file:

  • Our Shared Network Folder (preferred method)
    (\\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\Clinical Trials)
  • Box 
    (If you have a MemorialCare box account)
  • HighTail 
    (Be sure to label the file using the name of the clinical trial or trial number)
  • Email
    The above email link will email to Jess Ahl and Sarah Boyd.
Method used to transfer Word Document and/or Support Files:
Accepting Patients:
Hospital and Medical Group Taxonomy or Service Location Overrides

Used for filtering on the Press Room Page.

Leave End Date empty to copy start date; the occurrence will therefore not have any duration.
Repeating events can occur daily, weekly or monthly. All events in a series must be at the same time and location for each occurrence. Do not use this option for a multi-day event.
End Repeat:
Place a comma to separate various dates, if needed.
Place a comma between various dates if needed.

Line of text that appears at the top of the page just under the marquee inside a gray box.
Paragraph of text that appears at the top of the page just under the marquee inside a gray box.
List providers related to this Blog, Location or Event.
Provider References:
more items
Please upload your blog-related files:

If uploading multiple items, place all items in one folder labeling it the name of the blog. If only uploading one item, please name the file with the title of blog. Please upload your content Word file, high-resolution images, and any support files one of three ways:

  • Our Shared Network Folder (preferred method)
    (\\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\Blog)
  • Box 
    (If you have a MemorialCare box account)
  • HighTail 
    (Be sure to zip compress the file using the name of the blog)
See below for items that you might need to supply:
  • Article Document
  • Patient Story Document
  • Podcast Audio File
  • Video File
  • Support Images
  • Marquee Image
  • Teaser Image (needed for blog landing page)

Which Method did you use to upload your Blog support files:
Event Category:
Service Line:
Make sure to choose a Service Line that this Service Content, Event, Location or Blog belongs to. 
Hosted by:
Please upload your Event-Related files:

If uploading multiple items, place all items in one folder labeling it the name of the Event. If only uploading one item, please name the file with the title of the Event. Please upload your content Word file, high-resolution images, and any support files one of three ways:

  • Our Shared Network Folder (preferred method)
    (\\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\Events)
  • Box 
    (If you have a MemorialCare box account)
  • HighTail 
    (Be sure to zip compress the file using the name of the Event)
See below for items that you might need to supply:
  • Event Content Document
  • Teaser Image (highly recommended)
  • Marquee Image (high resolution)
  • Event PDFs (resources)

Which method did you use to transfer your Event support files?
Place an existing location that is already on the MemorialCare website.
Custom Investigator:
External URL to the practice's website.
Partner Logo:
Please upload your support files:

If uploading multiple items; place all items in one folder labeling it the Title of the page. If only uploading one item, please name the file with the Title. Please upload your content Word file, high-resolution images, and any support files one of three ways:

  • Our Shared Network Folder (preferred method)
    (\\mcsrv03\Shares\Marketing\Shared Marketing Campaigns\Website Updates\choose the correct folder)
  • Box 
    (If you have a MemorialCare box account)
  • HighTail 
    (Be sure to zip compress the file using the title of the Page)
See below for items that you might need to supply:
  • Teaser Image (highly recommended)
  • Marquee Image -high resolution (Not used on Press Releases)
  • Any additional images
  • PDFs
  • Word Document detailing content and segment types
  • If placing Content Overrides include that content as well
  • Award Images needed for award press release (EPS preferred)

Which method did you use to upload your support files?
Type of Care:
Service Lines:

Please check off all related services:

Only list conditions already on the website, if a condition doesn't exist you will need to create a new Service Content Page for that new condition.
Please allow 10 Business Days for Completion.
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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
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