
As a computer user, you understand the convenience of an online connection. Connect with your physician through NextMD. NextMD is a secure, web-based portal to send an email to your physician for non-urgent medical questions, to request or cancel appointments, to request prescription refills and to receive test results and referrals.


Image of a computer that serves as a link to portal

Already Have an Activation Code or User ID?
Login to:

NextMD Features

  • Multiple browser options. Such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer
  • Better security. NextMD utilizes a multi-step authentication log-in process to protect your personal health information
  • “Smart Phone" capability. NextMD can be accessed via your iPhone, Blackberry or any other smart phones.
  • Integration with NextGen for better patient medical record management.
  • The ability to receive test results, referrals, or a summary of your health information via secure email.

How Do I Sign Up?

Call your physician’s office and ask any of our staff for your own unique NextMD token number. This randomly generated token number will be your initial key to signing up as a user in NextMD. Once you have it, simply follow the instructions at to get started.

If you experience any problems signing up with NextMD

MemorialCare Medical Group primary care physicians no longer use NextMD. If you wish to sign up with myChart, please call your primary care office and ask for an activation code, which you can then use to get started. If your primary care physician is not with MemorialCare Medical Group, you will need to call them directly for assistance with NextMD.

If Your Physician is Not Using NextMD

Your physician may be using a different electronic medical record system. This means you will need to login to a different patient portal. Is your physician using myChart?

Urgent Medical Matters

Please do not use the patient portal to send any messages requiring urgent attention. For urgent medical matters, contact your doctor’s office. For medical emergencies call 9-1-1.