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Nissen Fundoplication has a long track record with exceptional results and can be performed on almost every severe GERD patients. It is the most commonly performed fundoplication worldwide. During the procedure, the surgeon wraps the top part of the stomach around the esophagus to prevent the backflow of acids. It increases the LES’ resting pressure, re-establishes the proper angle at which the esophagus enters the stomach, and tightens the esophagus’ passageway through the diaphragm’s hiatus.

This procedure is performed laparoscopically or robotically. A minimally invasive procedure consists of several tiny incisions through which instruments and a fiber-optic camera are operated. The camera enables the surgeon to view images inside the body on a video monitor. This procedure typically results in less scarring and a shorter recovery time. Patients can anticipate going home in one or two days instead of four or five with a traditional open surgery.

This procedure successfully resolves reflux issues in more than 90 percent of patients with typical GERD symptoms (heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia). Successful resolution of GERD airway symptoms occurs in about 70 percent of patients who have this issue. If a candidate, this procedure can also be performed robotically by a skilled surgeon with similar benefits to a laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication.

Among patients undergoing Nissen Fundoplication, studies suggest the need for revision surgery has ranged from 2 percent to 17 percent.