To avoid delay or cancellation of your procedure, please take note of the following preoperative instructions to ensure you have a smooth experience. Please remember that this is just a general guide. THIS DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR PRE-OP INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT. Your healthcare team may add or change any of the recommendations, so always use their recommendations first and ask questions if you are unsure of any information.
General Instructions
- Please follow any specific instructions given to you by your surgeon's office.
- Notify your surgeon any time before your procedure if you experience a fever, cough, cold, rash, open wound, injury, infection, or sore throat.
- Your anesthesiologist may contact you prior to your surgery day. If not, you will definitely meet on the day of surgery.
- Pre-op testing MUST be completed before the day of surgery as directed by your primary doctor and/or surgeon. If you have a type and screen and/or type and cross ordered for possible blood transfusion, THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE AT OUR FACILITY; we do not accept results from outside facilities.
7 Days Before Surgery
- STOP over-the-counter aspirin or aspirin-like products, including Aleve, Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin, herbal products, Vitamin E, and fish oil.
- If you take blood thinners (Plavix, Aspirin, Warfarin, Xarelto, etc.), please ask your doctor/surgeon when or if you should stop taking them.
1 Day Before Surgery
- NOTHING TO EAT AFTER MIDNIGHT the night before your surgery, including chewing gum, hard candies or mints unless otherwise instructed by your physician. You may have clear liquids up to 4 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time. Clear liquid is defined as the following: non-carbonated, non-alcoholic liquids that are clear enough through which one can read newsprint.
- If Bowel Prep is needed, please follow your doctor's instructions.
- NO ALCOHOL, SMOKING, OR RECREATIONAL DRUG USE for 24 hours prior to surgery.
- Take a good shower and wash your hair the night before surgery. Use surgical wash if instructed to do so. DO NOT SHAVE BELOW THE NECK for 48 hours prior to surgery.
Day of Surgery
- You must arrive at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery unless otherwise instructed. Please check in at the Main Admitting department. View map and directions.
- If you take insulin or medications for breathing, seizures, stomach problems, heart or blood pressure control (NOT diuretics), please ask your physician if you should take the medication with a sip of water the morning of surgery.
- NOTE: Per Anesthesia guidelines, if you take medications known as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs), please DO NOT take these on the day of surgery. ACE Inhibitors often end in “pril” (example: Benzapril) and ARBs often end in “sartan” (example: Losartan).
- If you are having surgery involving your hand, arm, leg or foot, please wear clothing to fit over large bandages. If you are having eye, ear, facial, or breast surgery, wear a button-down top; no pullovers.
- NO CONTACT LENSES. No makeup, mascara, nail polish or lotion on your skin.
- Please bring ID, insurance card and method of payment for co-pay if not done prior to the day of surgery.
- Please bring your current list of medications and supplements with medication name, dosage, and how often you take them. Please do not bring the actual medication with you unless directed by your physician.
- If you have implant devices, please bring your remote control/programmer.
- If you have an Advance Directive/Power of Attorney for Healthcare, please bring a copy with you to the hospital for your medical records.
- Please do not bring valuables like cash, credit cards, electronics, or jewelry (including wedding ring) to the hospital.
- No electrical items may be used unless first inspected by our Bio-Med Department.
- Please do not bring any minor children with you. Make arrangements for their care. Children may not be left unattended. Children under 14 are not allowed in the Recovery area.
- For OUTPATIENTS: You MAY NOT leave the hospital alone. You must have an adult with you. You will need someone with you overnight the day of your procedure. You MAY NOT drive for 24 hours following anesthesia. Due to COVID-19, you are not allowed to have visitors wait at the hospital during surgery. Instead, your driver may drop you off and must leave the hospital as soon as possible. The hospital will call your driver after the procedure with pick-up instructions.
If you have questions or scheduling concerns, you can contact your physician’s office.