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TCAR is a groundbreaking method to open up a blocked carotid artery with a small flexible metal mesh tube called a stent to improve blood supply to the brain. TCAR is a new option for patients with carotid artery disease considered to be at high-risk for the conventional operative approach, called carotid endarterectomy or those who are not a candidate for trans femoral carotid stent.

How Does TCAR Work?

  • TCAR is performed through a small incision at the base of the neck
  • A novel device is placed that temporarily redirects blood flow away from the blocked carotid artery to avoid bits of cholesterol plaque from potentially reaching the brain and causing a stroke during the procedure
  • While blood flow is being diverted, it is filtered to remove loose plaque that may be present
  • During the time of the blood flow diversion, the surgeon can safely open the artery with a stent
  • Following the stent placement, blood flow is returned to normal


  • There is a reduced risk of stroke compared to traditional carotid stenting
  • The procedure is minimally invasive
  • Only a small incision is required
  • Typically, patients’ experience a similar hospital stay and a quicker recovery than with the conventional carotid endarterectomy approach
  • TCAR is a clinically-proven option specifically for patients at high-risk for a complication with traditional carotid endarterectomy due to advanced age, other medical conditions or anatomic challenges in the neck.