About Me

"I was the first woman President of the Long Beach Medical Association and I am one of the California representatives to the American Academy of Family Physicians. I have a private practice in Family Medicine with an emphasis on prevention. Shared decision making in the patient's care is an important part of my practice. We emphasize quality in patient care and personalized attention that we all deserve. Out of this office we operate an osteoporosis diagnostic center, nutrition education, physical therapy, podiatry, reflexology, smoking cessation, and pain management programs. The desire is to limit medications as much as possible. This is the practice that specializes in working with you to be the best you can be."

Dr. Kushner is a board certified family physician with a private practice in Long Beach, California for over twenty years. Her practice specializes in preventive medical care for the entire patient. Dr. Kushner is the past Alternate Delegate to the AAFP from the State of California. She was the first woman president of the Long Beach Medical Association. Dr. Kushner has received awards from Soroptimist International as woman of the year and the Clean Spokesperson award from the American Lung Association. Dr. Kushner is a past member of the California Tobacco Free Scientific Advisory Committee. She has served as the chairperson for the AAFP Drugs and Devices Committee.

Dr. Kushner is a Clinical Professor of Family Medicine for the University of California at Irvine. She is also past facility for the University of Southern California Physician Assistant Program. As a California medical board reviewer, Dr. Kushner has helped educate family physicians on the newest medical therapies. Dr. Kushner devotes a significant portion of her time to teaching other doctors and has been a keynote speaker at the American Academy of Family Physicians. She has helped design the curriculums for the Hospice Foundation of America and the Samuei Center in Irvine. Dr. Kushner received both a bachelors and master’s degree from UCLA in Biology. She then went on to receive her MD degree from the University of California at Irvine. She has managed a clinical laboratory for over 25 years, beginning with an amino acid chromatography lab experience at UCLA. Most recently,2011, Dr. Kushner is a certified lifestyle educator through the FLT program with Metagenics. This unique program teaches patients healthy nutritional habits that they can maintain for life. In addition, Dr. Kushner is trained in complementary medicine that includes supplements and homeopathy when appropriate.

Dr. Kushner is also the immediate past director of the Osteoporosis Diagnostic Center in Los Alamitos, California, a position she had held for twenty years. She is widely published in medical and lay journals including STROKE and Woman’s Medicine.

Dr. Kushner treats every patient as she would a family member. As a board certified family physician she sees her role as helping her patients both physically and emotionally as she guides them through the United States’ complex medical system.

Dr. Kushner is on the staff of Long Beach Medical Center and Los Alamitos Medical Center.



Provider Specialty

Family Medicine

Areas of Care


Medical Education

UC Irvine School of Medicine


Long Beach Memorial Medical Center - Family Medicine Residency Program

Locations & Affiliations


Los Alamitos 3771 Katella Avenue

3771 Katella Avenue

Los Alamitos, CA