About Me

Dr. Pike is a board certified pediatric orthopedic surgeon, a physician specializing in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems in children. She received her orthopedic training at Yale University, and specialized in pediatric orthopedics at the Los Angeles Shriners Hospital for Children.

Dr. Pike worked for the Nemours Foundation, a multi-specialty pediatric center in Florida, before returning home to California in 2007. She has worked exclusively with children for over ten years.

Dr. Pike has published in prominent orthopedic and pediatric journals, has lectured throughtout the country and is currently involved in the orthopedic education of the pediatric residents at the University of California, Irvine. Areas of expertise include: Repair of children born with deformities of the hands and feet. Treatment of children whose arms or legs developed incorrectly. Treatment of children with broken bones or growth plate problems.



Provider Specialty

Orthopedic Surgery