About Me

Dr. Schwartz began his career as an optometrist. He received his training at the University of California, at Berkeley with an additional Masters Degree awarded based on class standing and passing a qualifying examination. He then received another Masters degree in Public Administration with a specialty in Health Services. After practicing optometry for 6 years, Dr. Schwartz entered Medical School in Guadalajara, Mexico. He returned to the United States for clinical training with a 5th Pathway year through the University of California at Irvine. He next completed necessary primary care training in an Internal Medicine Internship at the VA Hospital of Long Beach before his Residency in Ophthalmology through the Medical Center at Hollywoood Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Schwartz has served in both appointed and elected positions in the California Academy of Ophthalmology including as its President. He has also served in various capacities through the American Academy of Ophthalmology including serving on its Board of Trustees. He received an Honor Award from the Academy, The Jules Stein Living Tribute Award, The Doheny Eye Institute Alumnus of the Year Award and has been listed in the Guide to Top Doctors and the Best Doctors of America Pacific Region. He is married to Betty, has two daughters and two granddaughters. He enjoys playing tennis and playing with his grandchildren.



Provider Specialty



Medical Education

University Autónoma de Guadalajara - School of Medicine


Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center


Donald N. Schwartz M.D.

11620 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 711

Los Angeles, CA

Appointment: (310) 444-1134