Tiffany Psilovikos

Tiffany Psilovikos

City of residence: San Diego, CA
Member since: January 2011
Title/Partnership Council: Patient Family Advisory Member


Why did you join PFAC?

I joined PFAC because I had an amazing experience as a patient at Saddleback Medical Center and I wanted to give back. I had a Deep Vein Thrombosis/Pulmonary Embolism in Fall of 2010 and was hospitalized for a week at Saddleback Medical Center. I was 22 years old at the time and was treated with utmost respect and received excellent care by the physicians, staff and nurses at Saddleback Medical Center. After my release I wanted to give back to the hospital since they saved my life, so I asked how I could get involved and was directed to PFAC. By representing the PFAC as a board member I feel honored to give my opinion, advice, and ideas to improve the patient/family care at Saddleback Medical Center.

Describe your biggest contribution or the project you are most proud of while on the PFAC. How has it/how will it improve the patient & family experience?

I think my biggest contribution while on the PFAC is the fact that I can provide input from a younger patient’s perspective. It is important to think about patients of all ages when thinking about ways to improve the hospital experience. In addition, I think one of my most memorable experiences I had while serving on the PFAC was helping out with Customer Service week in October. I was able to thank the staff firsthand for their hard work for providing extraordinary care to the patients.

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