Continuing with our theme that the services, resources and protections that you rely on daily may not be available following a disaster, this article focuses on collecting appropriate clothing and bedding to protect you and your family from the elements, and to keep you as comfortable and rested as possible when your home may not be safe to occupy.

Your task: Gather and store a collection of clothing and bedding.

Do you like camping? If so, you already have an advantage here. If not, it’s time for a quick lesson and a warning that you may find yourself camping out following a disaster. And not likely in a full-service campground, or at some beautiful, serene location. You may be camping out in your yard, in a parking lot, perhaps at a community disaster relief center. And if you’re evacuating your house in the middle of the night, you’ll need more than just your pajamas. Even in Southern California, temperatures may vary 40 degrees or more within 24 hours. You may experience beating sun, chilly nights, wind, rain, etc., all within a day or two. And following a disaster – say a large, catastrophic earthquake – when your home may no longer be safe to occupy, you and your family may find yourselves out in these elements with only the disaster supplies you prepared in advance to take with you.

To prepare for the unpredictable and variable weather conditions following a disaster, we recommend that you gather and store the following items. Ideally, clothing items should be stored in sealed, weather-proof containers.

Clothing & Bedding Checklist:

  • Shirts – at least one long sleeve, one short sleeve, one sweatshirt for each family member.
  • Pants – one each durable long pants (e.g. denim), short pants, sweatpants.
  • Shoes – one pair of sturdy, fully enclosed shoes (e.g. hiking boots), one pair of sandals.
  • Rain gear – rain coat or poncho.
  • Hat – preferably full brim.
  • Gloves – one pair work gloves, one pair comfortable warm gloves.
  • Warm socks.
  • Underwear – at least three changes per family member.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Blankets and pillows – one set per family member.
  • Sleeping bags.
  • Tent – compact “hiking” tent. As small as possible to accommodate all family members.

Need some practice? Go camping...