While everyone experiences stress at times, a prolonged period of stress can affect your health and ability to cope with life. Those who take care of themselves are more likely to succeed when placed in a stressful situation.
There are two types of stress, emotional and physical. Emotional stress usually occurs in situations people consider difficult or challenging, such as juggling a busy schedule or preparing for an exam. Physical stress is a physical reaction of the body to a trigger, such as the pain you feel after surgery. Physical stress can lead to emotional stress and emotional stress can often occur as physical stress, such as stomach cramps.
Self-care Tips to Deal with Stress:
- Attitude: Stay positive! People who tend to have a negative attitude report more stress than those with a positive attitude.
- Physical activity and diet: Regular physical activity promotes well-being and good nutrition affects the way your brain processes information.
- Support: Find at least one person you can talk to after a stressful experience. Having little or no support makes stressful times even more difficult to deal with.
- Relax: Find a hobby that can help you take your mind off of things.
- Sleep: Getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night helps people cope better with stress.