Benefits of Quitting Nicotine
This is weekly dose of wellness brought to you by MemorialCare health system. Here's Deborah Howell.
Deborah Howell
Welcome to the podcast, I'm Deborah Howell, and today we'll be talking about the benefits of quitting nicotine, and there are quite a few. Our guest is Kitty Campuzano, the lung cancer nurse navigator at MemorialCare, Todd Cancer Institute at Long Beach Medical Center. Kitty has also been certified as a smoking cessation facilitator through the American Lung Association. Welcome Kitty!
Kitty Campuzano
Deborah Howell
lovely, lovely. Lovely to have you this morning.
Kitty Campuzano
Thank you. So happy to be here.
Deborah Howell
We're going to dove right in. It must be so gratifying to help people quit nicotine, so I'm really curious. What are some of the health benefits of quitting nicotine?
Kitty Campuzano
The health benefits are numerous. Your body begins a healing and recovery process as soon as you quit. Within 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure returned to normal twelve hours after quitting your oxygen levels stabilized and carbon monoxide levels drop significantly.
Kitty Campuzano
Carbon monoxide is a deadly, odorless chemical and cigarette smoke that blocks the oxygen in your body, placing a strain on your heart and other organs. 48 hours after quitting your sense of smell and taste begin to return to normal, and after 72 hours, breathing is easier and your lung function increases in one to nine months. Chronic coughs diminish and overall energy levels increase by one year. Your risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attack is now half of that of a smoker. Ten years after quitting, your risk of lung cancer is half of that of a smoker, as well as other commonly caused cancers from smoking. And by 15 years, your risk of heart disease is equal to someone who's never even smoked, so it is never too late to benefit from quitting smoking, no matter how old you are.
Deborah Howell
That is nothing short of astonishing from 20 minutes to 15 years, the short and long term benefits. Wow, thank you for that kitty. What's the estimated percentage of lung cancer cases related to individuals who actively smoke?
Kitty Campuzano
Approximately 90% of all lung cancers are directly linked to cigarette smoking. Additional risk factors for developing lung cancer include secondhand smoke. A family history of lung cancer. Exposure to occupation and environmental chemicals like radon. A best dose arsenic and air pollution. Significant to note that cigarettes are the only product that, when used as directed, can actually kill the person using it.
Deborah Howell
Well, that'll wake you up in the morning with a not such a great start to your day. So what can people with a long history of smoking do to reduce their risk of lung cancer?
Kitty Campuzano
Smoking is the most important risk factor, and that risk factor can be modified by the process of quitting and is medically considered the gold standard in reducing your risk from lung cancer. Lung cancer is often found late and in advanced stages, making it more difficult to treat than other cancers. As a result, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer among both men and women in the U.S..
Deborah Howell
Despite this, there is something you can do to reduce your risk by 20%, and that is having a yearly screening for low dose computerized tomography or CT scan of your lungs. This CT scan allows physicians to view detailed pictures of your chest to help find abnormalities in the lungs, but a normal chest X-ray will not be able to detect a low dose CT scan takes only minutes. No dyes or injections are used and can save tens of thousands of lives a year by finding cancer in its earlier stages. So this high risk category would include anyone from 50 to 80 years of age with at least a 20 pack year history of smoking, who currently smoke or have quit within the last 15 years should get screened. So talk to your health care provider if you meet the high risk criteria and encourage others who meet this criteria to consider screening to reduce the chances of being diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. And currently in California, only 1.2% of those who fit this high risk criteria are getting screened yearly. MemorialCare is working to change this statistic through our lung program by educating those at high risk and their health care providers.
Deborah Howell
Excellent, because that's a really low percentage of people getting screened. So we talked about the physical things. What feelings do people experience when they quit smoking?
Kitty Campuzano
People's experience can vary, but most people will have some symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. When you stop smoking, your body must adjust to no longer having this highly addictive drug. Common symptoms include restlessness, trouble concentrating or sleeping. Irritability, anxiety and increases in appetite. Cravings and urges can be mild and conceal or can. But can also feel overwhelming. Learning how to deal with these cravings is probably the most important part of the process in staying smoke-free. Many people, however, find that the withdrawal symptoms disappear completely within two to four weeks.
Deborah Howell
Got it! And now what are some of the different methods that we now have to help people quit smoking?
Kitty Campuzano
Using nicotine replacement therapy, along with counseling have been proven to increase smokers ability to quit and stay quit as compared to trying to do it on your own. The FDA has approved seven medications for adults interested in quitting nicotine, which include a nicotine patch, the nicotine gum nicotine lozenge, nicotine nasal spray and nicotine inhaler. There are two additional oral medications Chantix and Zyban, but do not contain nicotine but have shown to reduce your cravings. I always tell those interested in quitting to develop a plan with your doctor who knows your medical history and nicotine usage so they can safely prescribe the best nicotine replacement therapy personalized just for you.
Deborah Howell
In your experience Kitty, there are certain methods that are more successful.
Deborah Howell
Hence, using nicotine replacements or medications make quitting less painful. These alternative replacements are much safer than smoking and can double your chances of success. They help you get through the times when your cravings are strongest, and there are four approaches that have been proven to give smokers the best chance of quitting. first, it's possible using two nicotine replacement therapy medications together, such as a nicotine patch along with a fast acting one like a lozenge or gum. The second is Chantix alone has shown to provide the highest rate of success by reducing cravings and the enjoyment you get from smoking. third, using counseling in addition to a nicotine replacement therapy or medication. And lastly, having a plan before you quit to increase your chances of quitting and staying smoke free.
Deborah Howell
In your opinion, because you see people every day trying to quit smoking, what does it take to succeed?
Kitty Campuzano
It really takes the plan. It's important that you talk with your physician. Like I said earlier, because they know your health history and they can help set up a plan with you, as well as additional counseling or group sessions to help you get through some of these cravings and get the support you need. It's probably the best way to quit smoking.
Deborah Howell
Okay, and now there's a lot of information about e-cigarettes in the news, and you really have trouble figuring out who to believe. Are e-cigarettes a safer option for people considering giving up cigarettes?
Kitty Campuzano
This misleading messaging is a marketing technique the tobacco industry is using to get its next generation of customers addicted, telling customers vaping is harmless or a healthier version than cigarettes. It's just not true. Well, it is true. E-cigarettes contain fewer chemicals than cigarettes. It still isn't safe. There are at least ten chemicals identified in e-cigarette aerosols that are on the California Proposition 65 list of carcinogens and reproductive toxins. And most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. For example, a jewel pod can deliver as much nicotine as one pack of cigarettes. And studies have shown people who switch this form of delivery system to get their nicotine were more likely to relapse to regular cigarettes within a year.
Deborah Howell
And do you help people who are maybe trying to get off the jewel?
Kitty Campuzano
We do. We do offer support for any type of nicotine addiction that you have.
Deborah Howell
That's great. And are there any additional resources available to participants at the MemorialCare Todd Cancer Institute at Long Beach Medical Center?
Kitty Campuzano
Yes, I'm so excited. You asked, starting January fourth of 2020 to the Todd Cancer Institute is offering virtual freedom from smoking classes for free. These sessions run over seven weeks, with a new session starting every other month. By providing virtual classes, we can offer a convenient platform for those interested in quitting to gain insight on their dependence, develop an individualized plan to quit and learn how to stay smoke-free and a supportive group setting. A respiratory therapist and I are both certified trainers and this evidence based programs developed by the American Lung Association and this program has helped over 1,000,000 people quit smoking for good. So if you or someone you know is ready to quit smoking, please go to the Long Beach memorial care website or send an email to our email: [email protected].
Deborah Howell
When people you know whom you've helped successfully quit, what do they say to you?
Kitty Campuzano
They say they're going. No longer under the power of this addiction and have control and more time in their life, as well as feeling healthier
Deborah Howell
and not for nothing. cigarettes are pretty pricey.
Kitty Campuzano
Yes, they are.
Deborah Howell
So you can have that money and spend it on something. Maybe that's good for you or you like to do it. That's fun.
Kitty Campuzano
Exactly. Opening up additional interest in your life, having more time and money, like you said, I found, has been very rewarding carrot for a lot of people interested in quitting.
Deborah Howell
It sounds like you really, really love your job.
Kitty Campuzano
I do. It's very rewarding to help people gain control over their addiction and lead a healthier lifestyle.
Deborah Howell
Well, it sounds to me like they're very lucky to have you and the group there. We want to thank you, Kitty for your time and expertize today. We really enjoyed having you on the podcast.
Kitty Campuzano
Thank you for the chance to share this important information about the benefits of quitting nicotine.
Deborah Howell
Our pleasure. And for more information or to listen to a podcast of this show, please visit That's That's all for this time. I'm Deborah Howell. Have yourself a terrific day. Have yourself a terrific day.
According the CDC, people who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke. Kitty Campuzano, BSN, OCN, discusses the benefits of quitting nicotine, not just on the lungs but the entire body.
Kitty serves as the lung nurse navigator at the MemorialCare Todd Cancer Institute and has been with Long Beach Medical Center for 23 years. Kitty has been certified in oncology nursing since 2018 and has been a registered nurse for more than 25 years. She has been certified as a smoking cessation facilitator through the American Lung Association. Kitty’s hobbies include vegetable gardening, nature hikes, book club, traveling and game night with the family.
If you want to quit smoking, our Freedom from Smoking program can help you on your quit journey with support from certified American Lung Association instructors. Learn more about our course.