Eradicating Prostate Cancer without Surgery or Pain

As Clyde Cicotte rested comfortably on his back, a robotic arm moved slowly around him, delivering high-dose beams of radiation to a small, cancerous tumor in his prostate.

When his procedure at Orange Coast Medical Center was finished, Clyde stood up, walked to his car and drove home.

“I never felt one bit of pain or discomfort,” says Clyde. The 76-year-old retired Toshiba executive is cancer-free thanks to CyberKnife®, a revolutionary robotic radiosurgery system commonly used for the treatment of cancerous and noncancerous tumors in the brain, prostate and lungs. “All it took was five one-hour treatments. It’s like it never even happened. Few believe me when I tell them how simple the procedure was.”

Non-Invasive Breakthrough

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. More than 200,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Sixty-five percent of all prostate cancers are found in men between the ages of 65 and 69.

Many of these men – like Clyde – won’t have symptoms.

“CyberKnife is an innovative and effective treatment for patients like Clyde. As a noninvasive alternative to surgery, there is no cutting, no bleeding, no anesthesia and no hospital admission,” says Asif Harsolia, MD, radiation oncologist at Orange Coast Medical Center. “It targets the tumor with pinpoint precision through radiation beams while saving healthy tissue. Treatment takes one to five sessions compared to 44 sessions of traditional radiation therapy. The advantages are unparalleled.”

From Discovery to Recovery

For Clyde, he knew something was wrong when his blood test showed abnormal levels of PSA, a prostate-specific marker. His doctor ordered a biopsy, which revealed a diagnosis of cancer. Clyde, an avid falconer for 15 years, immediately began doing his own research, relying on his extensive Toshiba background in the X-ray equipment and radiation oncology business. He quickly realized that CyberKnife was the optimal approach.

“I was ecstatic to discover that such an advanced procedure is available right here in my own backyard at Orange Coast Medical Center,” says Clyde.

Proven Expertise

In addition to being the only hospital in Orange County offering CyberKnife technology, the MemorialCare Cancer Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center has earned a three-year accreditation with commendation as a Comprehensive Cancer Center from the American College of Surgeons (ACOS). This coveted status signifies meeting or exceeding all 36 standards in place. Programs earning recognition from the ACOS have demonstrated the highest-quality cancer care.

“At the MemorialCare Cancer Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center, our multidisciplinary team of oncologists, surgeons, nurses and rehabilitation specialists are highly skilled, trained and equipped to provide the best cancer care,” says Dr. Harsolia. “We do everything in our power to customize therapies and improve patient outcomes.”

Surpassing Expectations

With a passion for the outdoors, Clyde was pleased that he had no disruption in his daily activities. Whether it’s through his memories of the countless hours he spent with majestic falcons and hawks or his recent medical scare, Clyde takes every opportunity to share his life experiences with those around him.

“It’s just incredible what is possible through CyberKnife. People need to know they have choices when it comes to cancer treatment,” he says.